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Fresh Meat Farm

As a Family Owned Butchers

As a pioneer in fresh and sustainable alternatives to conventionally grown meat, Meabhy Farms had remained committed to making things differently since 1993 when our originators tried game meat for the first time. They were motivated by the experience & driven to start their pork farm in Cork that was merely different by nature.

Our Story
Founded in 1993 by the Brown Family.
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Eating Healthy, Delicious Meat Has Never Been Easier

Recomended For You

Fresh Meat Products

You Choose Your Cuts

From Our Distinct Range

Meabhy Farms had remained committed to making things differently since 1993 when our originators tried game meat

Fresh Meat Products

The Best Meat In Town

Meabhy Farms had remained committed to making things differently since 1993 when our originators started

We must stand up contextualize, segmentation; engaging issue outcomes technology citizen.

We must stand up contextualize, segmentation; engaging issue outcomes technology citizen.

Raw Lamb Ribs

We must stand up contextualize, segmentation; engaging issue outcomes technology citizen.

Chicken Breast

We must stand up contextualize, segmentation; engaging issue outcomes technology citizen.

  • Deep frozen meatDeep frozen meat
  • Grass fed productGrass fed product
Fresh Meat Products

Recipes & News Updates

Meabhy Farms had remained committed to making things differently since 1993 when our originators started

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All Sales Up to 60% Off*

*Online only. Select styles. Price reflects discount.

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